Enthusiasm about school

 Not a lot has made me enthusiastic about school, but sometimes i do get enthusiastic about school. I get enthusiastic about school when i get a good grade on a test or quiz. Also i get enthusiastic when there is a sub unless it's a sub for Mr. Sheehan's class because he's the best teacher ever. I get enthusiastic when we have an assembly or a rally, but we usually don't have rally's anymore. Basically anytime there is a change in the schedule i'm enthusiastic. But if i'm interested in the subject we are learning in class i can get enthusiastic. So sometimes in History or English, but never math, science or Spanish. Also to be enthusiastic about school and a certain class, you have to like the teacher. The teacher can't be boring or strict, but should be in charge of it's class because if the class gets to do whatever they want you don't learn anything. But i do like these types of classes but it depends on the class. So this is what makes me enthusiastic about school.

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